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AMP launches MyNorth IndexPlus managed portfolios
Super and retirement
04 August 2020

AMP has further strengthened its managed portfolios offer for advisers and clients, launching the IndexPlus managed portfolio range.

The new portfolios are delivered through AMP’s flagship wrap platform, MyNorth, and are available to super, pension and investment clients.

They blend low-fee, low-turnover index-based investments with actively managed strategies, providing a diverse and cost-efficient investment solution.

Shaune Egan, AMP’s Director Wrap Product, said the new offer reflects AMP’s ongoing commitment to establish MyNorth as the leading contemporary wrap platform in the Australian market.

“The IndexPlus range combines the benefits of active and passive strategies into a unique, low-cost investment, delivered simply and efficiently through MyNorth.

“Our strategy for MyNorth is anchored to the three aspects we know advisers and clients most value in a wrap platform – cost-effectiveness, seamless administrative functionality and comprehensive investment choice.

“This new offer continues the delivery of this strategy, helping advisers provide their clients with tailored and cost-effective portfolios, expertly constructed and managed.

“Research shows the growing appeal and demand for managed portfolios, which provide transparency, governance, cost and administrative benefits for clients and advisers, including independent advisers,” said Mr Egan.

AMP’s total managed portfolio assets under management increased four-fold in 2019, while net cashflows onto the North platform increased by more than 150 per cent in the first quarter of 2020, compared to the same period in 2019.  This included A$400 million of inflows from non-aligned AMP advisers in Q1 2020.

Developed and managed by AMP’s Research Team, the IndexPlus range offers five different investment options, across different risk profiles, including:

  1. IndexPlus Conservative – designed to provide stable returns through a diversified portfolio of primarily defensive assets.
  2. IndexPlus Moderately Conservative – designed to provide moderate returns over the medium term through a diversified portfolio of primarily defensive assets and some growth assets.
  3. IndexPlus Balanced – designed to provide moderate to high returns over the medium to long term through a diversified portfolio of growth and defensive assets.     
  4. IndexPlus Moderately Aggressive – designed to provide moderate high returns over the long term through a diversified portfolio of primarily growth assets and some defensive assets.
  5. IndexPlus Aggressive – designed to provide high long term returns through a diversified portfolio of primarily growth assets. 

For more information about the IndexPlus range, visit